
Can You Get Dental Implants With Gum Disease?

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Can You Get Dental Implants With Gum Disease?

Can You Get Dental Implants With Gum Disease?

If you're considering dental implants in Chevy Chase but have gum disease, you may be wondering if it's still possible to undergo the procedure. Gum disease, also known as periodontal disease, is a common condition that affects the gums and the surrounding structures that support the teeth. It's caused by bacteria and plaque buildup, leading to inflammation and potential damage to the gums and bone.

Understanding the Impact of Gum Disease on Dental Implants

Gum disease can affect the success of dental implants in several ways. Firstly, it can cause bone loss in the jaw, which is essential for providing a stable foundation for the implants. Without sufficient bone density, the implants may not integrate properly and can fail over time.

Additionally, gum disease can lead to gum recession, exposing the tooth roots and making them more susceptible to decay and infection. This can compromise the stability of dental implants and increase the risk of implant failure.

However, with proper treatment and management of gum disease, it is often possible to proceed with dental implant placement. Your dentist will assess the severity of your gum disease and collaborate with you to develop a personalized treatment plan to address the condition before moving forward with implants.

Treating Gum Disease Before Dental Implants

Before undergoing dental implant surgery, it's crucial to have your gum disease treated and under control. Your dentist will recommend a comprehensive periodontal evaluation to determine the extent of your gum disease and develop an appropriate treatment plan. 

The treatment for gum disease typically involves a deep cleaning procedure called scaling and root planing, which removes plaque and tartar buildup from the teeth and below the gumline. In more advanced cases, surgical interventions may be necessary to repair damaged gum tissue and promote healing. 

By addressing gum disease before dental implant placement, you can improve the chances of a successful outcome. This may involve a waiting period to ensure that your gums have healed adequately and that the infection is under control.

Consultation with a Dental Implant Specialist

If you have gum disease and are considering dental implants, it's essential to consult with a dental implant specialist who has experience in treating patients with similar conditions. They can evaluate your oral health, assess the severity of your gum disease, and determine the best course of action.

During the consultation, the dental implant specialist will thoroughly examine your mouth, including the condition of your gums, bone density, and overall oral health. They may also take x-rays or use advanced imaging techniques to assess the quality and quantity of your jawbone.

Based on their evaluation, the dental implant specialist will discuss your treatment options and recommend a personalized plan. In some cases, additional procedures such as bone grafting or gum grafting may be necessary to improve the chances of successful implant placement.

Long-Term Maintenance and Oral Hygiene

After receiving dental implants, maintaining good oral hygiene is crucial, especially if you have a history of gum disease. Regular brushing, flossing, and using antibacterial mouthwash can help prevent plaque buildup and reduce the risk of gum disease recurrence.

It's also essential to schedule regular check-ups with your dentist to monitor the health of your implants, gums, and overall oral health. Your dentist may recommend professional cleanings and provide guidance on proper oral hygiene practices to ensure the longevity of your dental implants. 

Schedule Your Consultation Today

If you have gum disease and are considering dental implants, don't let it deter you from exploring your options. Contact Dr. Eric Morrison DDS at Morrison Cosmetic Dentistry today at (301) 637-0719 to schedule a consultation. Our experienced team will assess your oral health, develop a personalized treatment plan, and help you achieve a beautiful, healthy smile with dental implants. Don't let gum disease hold you back from the smile you deserve. Take the first step towards a confident, functional smile by reaching out to us today.

While gum disease can present challenges when it comes to dental implants, it doesn't necessarily mean that you're ineligible for the procedure. The suitability for dental implants depends on the severity of your gum disease and the overall condition of your oral health.